In Fiscal
Year 2006, the Southwest Initiative Foundation continued to
broaden and deepen its impact on the 18 counties of southwest
Minnesota by providing leadership and resources around key
priority areas. The Foundation provided leadership to
the people and communities of southwest Minnesota by helping
frame key areas of potential regional growth and opportunity. Examples included promoting renewable energy as an economic asset, providing leadership training opportunities through the Nonprofit Management Institute, and beginning the planning phase of a new Connected Communities Initiative. The Foundation also continued its Early Childhood Initiative, Parish Nurse Initiative, Community and Component Fund Programs, and much more.
The SWIF provided resources through its
grant and business loan programs, as well as its donor services. The
infusion of dollars through these initiatives ensured that
people had the means to start or expand a business, provide
a needed service or enrichment opportunity, and create positive
change through local giving. In Fiscal Year 2006, the
Foundation provided 196 grants (including component fund grants) totaling $948,815, and 25 loans (including Micro-Enterprise loans) totaling $1,203,501.
We hope you'll take time to peruse our grants
and loans listings and learn more about how the Foundation
is working to benefit the people of southwest Minnesota.
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