

The contributions made by the Southwest Initiative Foundation to the people and communities of southwest Minnesota over the past 20 years are vast.  Here are a just few examples of our accomplishments to date:

  • 381 businesses have been started or expanded and over 6,500 jobs created or retained, thanks to 484 loans totaling $24.7 million.
  • 1,655 projects or programs have been funded with grants totaling $16.3 million.
  • 253 leaders of nonprofit organizations have been trained by the SWIF Nonprofit Management Institute .
  • 16 communities now have community foundations established through the SWIF .
  • 11 southwest Minnesota communities have started early childhood coalitions through the SWIF's involvement in the Minnesota Early Childhood Initiative.
  • 55 component funds totaling $3.2 million have been established through the SWIF .

None of this would be possible without the generosity of people, businesses, and organizations that have chosen the Southwest Initiative Foundation as the way to "give back" to the place they choose to call home. 

The Foundation offers a wide variety of options to help you meet your charitable goals.  One opportunity you may consider is becoming a member of the Growing Home Circle.  Members of the Growing Home Circle pledge to give an annual contribution of $1,000 or more to the Foundation's general endowment.  These funds are matched dollar-for-dollar by The McKnight Foundation.

For more information about how to become a member of the Growing Home Circle, or to learn more about the various ways the SWIF can help you accomplish your charitable goals, contact Diana Anderson, SWIF development director, at 1-800-594-9480 or e-mail her at [email protected]


  2006 Donor List
  How to Make a Gift  

