
Anniversaries are about celebrating relationships, and on the 20th anniversary of the Southwest Initiative Foundation, we are celebrating 20 years of relationships with visionary, philanthropic, dedicated people who have partnered with the Foundation to make positive changes in southwest Minnesota. 

Together, we have faced and overcome the economic downturn of the 1980's.  We have seized opportunities for all residents of southwest Minnesota -- the youngest, the oldest, and the newest.  We have worked to promote economic assets to ensure a bright future for our region.  We have worked to create local community foundations and component funds to secure valuable charitable resources for southwest Minnesota.  The list of what we've achieved together in the past 20 years is endless, and we are humbled and honored to be able to work with and on behalf of people like you.

The year 2006 will forever be remembered in the Foundation's history as a year of great change and achievement.  We updated our strategic framework, created a new vision for the region, slightly revised our mission statement, changed our name, and finished construction on a new office building!  We also developed an aggressive five-year strategic plan with several program and operational goals that will guide our work through Fiscal Year 2011.  Here's some of what you can look for in the coming months and years:

  • Develop and facilitate the region's full potential in renewable energy, making southwest Minnesota the true Renewable Energy Marketplace™.
  • Develop and deliver a program to train leaders to use the assets in their communities and in the region for the benefit of southwest Minnesota.
  • Continue the campaign for our youngest children through the Early Childhood Initiative.
  • Serve donors as we continue to develop and administer component funds, such as the Student Enrichment Initiative, the Carr Family Donor Advised Fund, the Paul & Alma Schwan Aging Trust Fund, and our community foundations.
  • Introduce additional loan programs focused on renewable energy, regional centers, and small communities.
  • Grow the financial and operational capacity of the Foundation to increase organizational effectiveness.

We are a regional community foundation dedicated to advancing our regional community.  We cannot do it alone!  We need to continue to leverage our financial and social capital to achieve our goals for the region.  We hope you will join us!



Becky Parker, Chairperson - Board of Trustees, FY2006


Sherry Ristau, President
