Grants Awarded
in Fiscal Year 2006
Agricultural Utilization Research Institute, Marshall, Community Wind Handbook
Support for the development of a handbook outlining the issues involved in the process of developing a community wind project and identifying available resources for project organizers. |
$10,000 |
Albright United Methodist Church, Marshall, Parish Nurse Program
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$5,000 |
American Red Cross - Lyon/Lincoln County, Marshall, Board Development
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity through board development and strategic planning. |
$3,000 |
Big Stone Health Care Foundation, Ortonville, Web Site/Marketing Development
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds for the development of a Web site and enhancement of public relations/marketing materials. |
$5,000 |
Bonanza Education Center, Clinton, Promote Renewable Energy
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace ™ logo to promote renewable energy in the service area of the Bonanza Education Center. |
$5,000 |
Center for Rural Policy & Development, Saint Peter, Center for Rural Policy & Development 2006
Membership to an organization that supports policymakers, rural advocates, and concerned citizens with an objective, unbiased examination of rural issues. |
$1,000 |
Center for Rural Policy & Development, Saint Peter, Renewable Energy Policy Forum
Funds to co-sponsor a forum on Renewable Energy Development. |
$3,500 |
Center for Rural Policy & Development, Saint Peter, Rural Minnesota Journal
Funding for joint Minnesota Initiative Foundation sponsorship of the Rural Minnesota Journal, a publication of the Center for Rural Policy and Development, dedicated to identifying the issues facing Greater Minnesota. |
$167 |
Center for Rural Policy & Development, Saint Peter, Rural Minnesota Journal: Educating Rural Minnesota Children
Support for the Rural Minnesota Journal's Summer 2006 issue: Educating Rural Minnesota's Children. |
$1,500 |
Child Care & Nutrition Inc., Ivanhoe, Family Child Care Conference 2006
Funding to support a family child care conference offering training to child care workers and early childhood professionals throughout the region. |
$500 |
Church of St. Mary/St. Clotilde, Cottonwood, Parish Nurse Program
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$10,000 |
Citizens for Big Stone Lake, Ortonville, Vision of the Renewable Energy Marketplace
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace™ logo to promote renewable energy in the Big Stone Lake and Upper Minnesota Watershed area. |
$5,000 |
City of Marshall, Marshall, Early Childhood Initiative Marshall Co-Coordinator - Year 2
Support for a local co-coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$2,500 |
City of Marshall, Marshall, Rural Sustainability Needs Assessment
Funds for a community assessment of Marshall area residents. Data from this assessment will provide information to help develop programs that educate, affirm inclusiveness, value diversity and further sustain the area's rural life style. |
$5,000 |
Clarkfield Lutheran Church, Clarkfield, Parish Nurse Program - Year 2
Funding for a Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$7,000 |
Coalition of African Community Services Kandiyohi County, Willmar, African Coalition Building for the Future
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity through organizational strategic planning. |
$5,000 |
Coalition of African Community Services Kandiyohi County, Willmar, African Coalition Outreach Worker - Year 2
Funding to provide outreach assistance to the African population and build community cultural competency. |
$15,000 |
Common Cup Ministry, Hutchinson, Parish Nurse Program
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$20,000 |
Council on Foundations, Washington D.C., Annual Membership Council on Foundations 2006
Funding for 2006 membership to the Council on Foundations to help SWIF with the promotion of philanthropic practices and principles of grantmaking. |
$4,110 |
CURE (Clean Up the River Environment), Montevideo, Renewable Energy Marketing
Funds to develop marketing materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace™ logo to promote renewable energy in the Upper Minnesota River Watershed region. |
$5,000 |
Dawson-Boyd Arts Association, Dawson, Strategic Planning
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to assist with strategic planning for the Dawson-Boyd Arts Association. |
$5,000 |
Habitat for Humanity of Lyon County, Marshall, Board Development
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity through board development and marketing strategies. |
$4,990 |
Helping Hand Pregnancy, Worthington, Expanding to New Horizons
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity by updating technology equipment and software. |
$4,800 |
Iftiin, Inc., Marshall, East African School Liaison Project
Support for a school liaison project providing assistance with language and cultural issues and increasing theMarshall community's knowledge and acceptance of East African cultures. |
$15,000 |
ISD #177 - Windom, Windom Early Childhood Initiative Coalition Launch
Funds to establish and organize the Early Childhood Initiative local coalition in Windom and successfully recruit stakeholders to the process. |
$2,500 |
ISD #378 - Dawson/Boyd, Project Respect - Year 2
Continued support for an intergenerational project that builds relationships and mutual respect across generations through dialogues and purposeful activities. |
$18,000 |
ISD #518 - Worthington, Immigrant Parent Involvement Initiative
Funding for training and technical assistance for the Worthington school district and other local agencies in adopting a more structured immigrant parent involvement curriculum. |
$10,000 |
ISD #2169 - Murray County Central, Slayton, Early Childhood Initiative Murray County Community Coordinator - Year 3
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Kandiyohi County ARC, Willmar, Technology Update
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity by updating technology equipment and software. |
$4,000 |
Let's Go Fishing of Minnesota, Willmar, Taking Let's Go Fishing on the Road
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through technology upgrades. |
$5,000 |
Litchfield Community Education - District 465, Litchfield Early Childhood Initiative Launch Grant
Funds to establish and organize the Early Childhood Initiative local coalition in Litchfield and successfully recruit stakeholders to the process. |
$2,500 |
Litchfield Community Education - District 465, Litchfield ECI Local Coordinator
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Meeker County Development Corporation, Litchfield Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 1
Support for the Litchfield early childhood coalition in accomplishing action toward their community vision for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
The Minneapolis Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota Meeting 2006
Funding to sponsor a forum to discuss critical issues surrounding the topic of racial disparity in Minnesota. |
$2,000 |
Minnesota Agriculture & Rural Leadership Program, Marshall, MARL In-State Seminar 2006
Funding for a three-day seminar that focused on rural policy and issues pertaining to new immigrants, cultural diversity, and the development of renewable energy industries in rural Minnesota. |
$5,000 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minneapolis, 2006 Minnesota Council on Foundations and MCN Conference
In partnership with the Minnesota Initiative Foundations, sponsorship of the 2006 Joint Conference of Minnesota Council on Foundations and Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. |
$1,667 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minneapolis, Annual Membership MN Council on Foundations 2006
Funding for 2006 membership to the Minnesota Council on Foundations to help SWIF strengthen and increase philanthropy. |
$4,225 |
Minnesota Inventors Congress, Redwood Falls, Opportunities in Renewable Energy Forum
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace ™ logo to promote renewable energy at a forum focusing on renewable energy products and utilization. |
$1,000 |
Minnesota Technology Inc., Minneapolis, Growth Acceleration Program (GAP)
Support for southwest Minnesota manufacturing firms to receive the services of Minnesota Technology, Inc. |
$25,000 |
Minnesota West Community & Technical College, Worthington, Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Training and Development
Funding for training at the Pune Inida Suzlon plant in composite manufacturing, and for curriculum/training documentation development by Minnesota West Community and Technical College. |
$25,000 |
Montevideo Community Education, Montevideo Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 3
Support for the Montevideo early childhood coalition in accomplishing action towards their community vision for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Mountain Lake Community Education, Mountain Lake, Early Childhood Initiative Mountain Lake Coordinator - Year 1
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Mountain Lake Community Education, Mountain Lake, Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action Year 1
Support for the Mountain Lake early childhood coalition in accomplishing action towards their community vision for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Mountain Lake Community Education, Mountain Lake, Early Childhood Launch Grant 2006
Funds to establish and organize the Early Childhood Initiative local coalition in Mountain Lake and successfully recruit stakeholders to the process. |
$2,500 |
Nobles County Integration Collaborative, Worthington, Community Forum
In partnership with the Bush Foundation, funding to support a community dialogue on immigration in the Worthington community. The forum brought key parties to work together for solutions on area immigration issues. |
$1,050 |
Nobles County Integration Collaborative, Worthington, Immigrant Stories Documentary
Funds to produce a documentary to share the immigration stories of Nobles County immigrants with students and area residents to increase cultural awareness and acceptance. |
$2,500 |
Nobles County Integration Collaborative, Worthington, Intergenerational Look at Integration
An intergenerational dialogue to convene people of all ages for the purpose of discussing and exploring ways to embrace diversity and the integration of cultures. |
$3,000 |
Nordland Lutheran Church, Paynesville, Parish Nurse Program - Year 3
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$4,000 |
Our Redeemers Lutheran Church, Benson, Parish Nurse Program - Year 3
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$15,000 |
Page Education Foundation, Minneapolis, Page Scholars
Scholarship assistance to students of color from southwest Minnesota or students attending college in southwest Minnesota through mentoring and financial aid. |
$15,050 |
Pipestone County Economic Development Authority, Pipestone, Green Energy Marketing
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace ™ logo to promote renewable energy in the Pipestone County area. |
$5,000 |
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, Spicer, Connecting Generations and Cultures through Living History - Year 2
Continued funding of an intergenerational project that immerses participants in hands-on experiences with the technology and history of a previous time period. |
$5,000 |
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, Spicer, Intergenerational Perspectives
Support for an intergenerational dialogue to mobilize the community of Spicer to make wise decisions concerning the stewardship of their natural and human resources. |
$1,000 |
Redwood Area Community Education, Redwood Falls, Early Childhood Initiative Redwood Area Community Coordinator - Year 2
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Redwood Area Communities Foundation, Redwood Falls, Sunktanka Expanding the Circle
Funds for continued support and expansion of the Sunktanka program, a program providing Native American youth with equestrian experiences to build their confidence, cultural appreciation, and academic success. |
$25,000 |
Redwood Area Development Corporation, Redwood Falls, Redwood Area Renewable Energy Marketplace
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace ™ logo to promote renewable energy in the Redwood area. |
$5,000 |
Renville County HRA/EDA, Olivia, Biomass Pellet Feasibility Study
Funds to research the feasibility of using biomass stover pellets as an alternative fuel source for heating. |
$9,500 |
Renville County HRA/EDA, Olivia, Green Routes Tourism
A joint tourism venture between Redwood and Renville counties to educate people about locally-grown food, locally-made products and local renewable energy projects. |
$6,000 |
RSVP of Southwest Minnesota, Worthington, Redwood County Senior Expo
Funding for an educational event for seniors and the community to promote productive aging and to create an awareness of the many services and programs available to senior citizens. |
$1,000 |
RTR Public Schools, Tyler, Intergenerational Horticulture Program
Support for a program to promote intergenerational learning through horticulture and floriculture by having senior citizens interact with the youth. |
$7,783 |
Sexual Violence & Abuse Crisis Center, Willmar, Getting up to Speed
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity by updating computer equipment and providing training. |
$5,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, 2006 Independent Sector Conference
A proactive grant to support the 2006 Independent Sector Annual Conference where leaders of foundations, corporate giving programs, and charities exchange ideas and discuss emerging trends and critical issues facing the sector. |
$833 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Benson Community Advantage Leadership Program (CALP)
A proactive grant to help the community of Benson identify, align, and mobilize assets and opportunities in ways that advance their local economy through the Blandin Community Advantage Leadership Program. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, BIO 2006 Conference
A proactive grant to fund an exhibit at the largest trade show and conference for the Biosience industry that was held in Chicago April 9-12, 2006. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, BIO 2006 Conference Travel and Outreach
A proactive grant to support travel and outreach expenses for Southwest Initiative Foundation staff and regional representatives to attend the BIO 2006 conference in Chicago. |
$2,368 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Community Advantage Leadership Program
A proactive grant to provide community leaders with tools to effectively engage a critical mass of the community in shaping and sustaining a vital local economy through the Blandin Community Advantage Leadership Program. |
$25,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative: Invest in Our Youngest Children Conference 2006
A proactive grant to host a regional conference for southwest Minnesota to challenge thinking, promote networking, and educate community leaders on the critical importance of the early years and the immense opportunities to create communities where every child can love, learn, and thrive. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative Marshall Co-Coordinator - Year 2
A proactive grant to support a local co-coordinator to serve as "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$2,500 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Montevideo Early Childhood Initiative Local Co-Coordinators
A proactive grant to support two local coordinators to serve as "point persons " for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative Outreach and Travel Year 2
A proactive grant to advance the Minnesota Early Childhood Initiative through facilitation and outreach efforts in southwest Minnesota. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative Promotion and Activities - Year 2
A proactive grant to promote early care and education opportunities and challenges, convene the regional coordinator network, and provide leadership training for emerging leaders within the region. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative Regional Education Project
A proactive grant to convene a region-wide early care and educational opportunity for stakeholders in southwest Minnesota, and create a set of regional outreach/marketing tools to promote the Early Childhood Initiative. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Early Childhood Initiative Regional Promotion and Outreach
A proactive grant to promote early care and educational opportunities and challenges, convene the regional coordinator network, and provide leadership training for emerging leaders within the region. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Life Connections 2006
A proactive grant to sponsor a two-day event in Willmar to explore lifestyle and resource opportunities for persons over the age of 50. |
$7,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Methamphetamine Awareness
A proactive grant to co-sponsor a statewide conference to increase public awareness around methamphetamine use. |
$1,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Minnesota State Fair Wonders of Technology
A proactive grant to participate in the Wonders of Technology display at the 2005 Minnesota State Fair to promote southwest Minnesota as the Renewable Energy Marketplace TM. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Regional Organization Mobilization Phase I
A proactive grant to further the development of a group of leaders from regional economic development organizations to motivate and energize citizens to drive positive change. |
$6,500 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Renewable Energy Communications
A proactive grant to raise the awareness of renewable energy as a viable economic asset for southwest Minnesota. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Renewable Energy Communications II
A proactive grant to raise the awareness of renewable energy as a viable economic asset for southwest Minnesota. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Southwest Initiative Foundation Annual Event 2006
A proactive grant to support an event to celebrate and recognize the great people of southwest Minnesota. |
$5,138 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Southwest Initiative Foundation Award 2006
A proactive grant for a leadership award presented to Berdette Schoep of Clarkfield for outstanding contributions to southwest Minnesota and the SWIF to support the program or project of his choice. |
$2,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Southwest Initiative Foundation/Blandin Community Leadership Award
A proactive grant for a leadership award presented to Blandin alumnus Jim Keul of Jackson to support the Jackson County Central School Foundation and its initial marketing efforts for endowment building. |
$2,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Southwest Initiative Foundation/Blandin Community Leadership Award 2006
A proactive grant for a leadership award presented to Blandin alumnus Gary Geiger of Willmar for significant contributions in community leadership to support the Healing Garden at Rice Memorial Hospital. |
$2,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Southwest Initiative Foundation Twenty Year Anniversary Awards
A proactive grant to fund the Foundation's 20-Year Anniversary Awards, which honor 20 individuals, groups, organizations, or businesses for significant contributions to the Southwest Initiative Foundation that have helped achieve its mission and goals over the course of its 20-year history. |
$20,000 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Willmar Early Childhood Initiative Co-Coordinator
A proactive grant to support a local co-coordinator to serve as "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$2,500 |
Southwest Initiative Foundation, Hutchinson, Windom Early Childhood Initiative Local Coordinator
A proactive grant to support a local coordinator to serve as "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Southwest MN Housing Partnership, Slayton, Willmar Area Multi-Cultural Market Feasibility Analysis
Funding to assist with the pre-development and project feasibility analysis for the Willmar Area Multi-Cultural Market project, which included community organizing, real estate development, and business development components. |
$5,000 |
Southwest Regional Development Commission - Region 8, Slayton, Murray County Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 3
Support for the Murray County early childhood coalition to accomplish the community's vision and goals for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Southwest Regional Development Commission - Region 8, Slayton, Windustry Community Wind Energy 2006
Funds to sponsor and staff an exhibit at the 2006 National Community Wind Energy Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, to promote the southwest region of Minnesota as the Renewable Energy Marketplace™. |
$1,000 |
St. Francis Xavier Church, Windom, Parish Nurse Program - Year 3
Funding for a Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services at St. Francis Xavier of Windom, Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Brewster, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Heron Lake. |
$17,000 |
Swift County RDA, Benson, Swift County Renewable Energy Marketplace
Funds to develop marketing and printed materials incorporating the Renewable Energy Marketplace ™ logo to promote renewable energy in Swift County. |
$5,000 |
The Connection Youth Center, Canby, Board Revitalization and Training
As a part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance funds to build organizational capacity through board development and staff safety training. |
$4,050 |
University of Minnesota School of Social Work, Saint Paul, Learning Dreams
Funds to support an innovative family and community-based strategy in Worthington for improving school outcomes for students by supporting and strengthening families and student learning in their homes. |
$10,000 |
Western Minnesota Enterprise Facilitation Network, Inc., Montevideo, Business Incubator Services
Funds to support local business enterprise through accessibility to business information resources, space, and administration support services. |
$17,080 |
Willmar Community Education & Recreation, Willmar, Early Childhood Initiative Co-Coordinator - Year 3
Support for a local co-coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$2,500 |
Windustry, Minneapolis, Wind Energy Center - MN State Fair's Eco-Experience
Funds to support a hands-on exhibit at the 2006 Minnesota State Fair's Eco Experience, showcasing wind energy in Minnesota including the technology, economic opportunities, and environmental benefits of wind energy. |
$10,000 |
Worthington Community Education - Dist. 518, Early Childhood Initiative Worthington Community Coordinator - Year 2
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the SWIF. |
$5,000 |
Grants (SWIF & Component Funds) Totaling $948,815 |