More than 80 volunteers from across southwest Minnesota gathered Monday in Granite Falls to learn and network at our fund partner training, “Empowered By Change.” The day’s energizing speakers focused on taking positive action, and recognizing the opportunities that come with the constant change in our communities.
Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) Community Philanthropy Officer Jeff Vetsch reminded those gathered that change is inevitable, and encouraged them to be patient, welcoming and optimistic.
“I can play a part in helping to shape what (change) looks like. And so can you, and that’s why we’re here today — because we all want to play a part in making our communities the most vibrant places they can be,” Jeff said.
A special “thank you” to the volunteers who serve on the advisory boards of local fund partners! Board members raise funds to support the vision, coordinate grant processes and involve the community. Our affiliates have become catalysts for philanthropy and community improvement while putting local leaders in the driver’s seat. Find out more about our fund partners.