Research shows American youth are facing a growing “opportunity gap” where the division of economic classes is widening and children born into poor families struggle to reach their full potential. The
Archives for February 2017
New RFP: Early Care and Education Grants
The Southwest Initiative Foundation is committed to supporting early childhood efforts. Our goal is that all children in southwest Minnesota are ready to learn and succeed at their full potential.
Watch Pioneer Public TV’s Grow Our Own Online
Grow Our Own: Helping the Next Generation Find Success, is a collaboration between Pioneer Public Television and Southwest Initiative Foundation to raise awareness about the fact that one in six
SWIF Commissions Report on Youth Poverty and Opportunity in Southwestern Minnesota
Data and trends will advance new Grow Our Own work across the region February 15, 2017 HUTCHINSON, Minn.—The University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy released a new
Southwest Initiative Foundation Introduces Bright Beginnings Program
SWIF is working to expand regional number of child care providers HUTCHINSON, Minn.— Rural Minnesota, including the Southwest Initiative Foundation’s southwest Minnesota region, is facing a child care crisis. More
Emerging Leaders Cabinet Ready to Launch
This month, SWIF is launching our new Emerging Leaders Cabinet with a retreat hosting its volunteer members. Led by Board Chair Bob Thurston and Director of Community Philanthropy Liz Cheney,