I’m continually learning new things about our southwest Minnesota region. Yesterday’s visit to Clara City for our bi-monthly Board of Directors meeting was no exception, as I learned about some
Archives for February 2012
Sharing the Gift of Family Philanthropy
This week marked my first experience attending the national Council on Foundation’s annual Family Philanthropy Conference. I found myself wearing multiple hats—representing the Council on Foundations as a board member,
A Warm SWIF Welcome and an Exciting New Adventure
I am so excited to introduce someone very special to southwest Minnesota. Last week, Southwest Initiative Foundation welcomed Bob Golberg as our new Legacy Gift Planner. Bob comes to us
Congratulations, Sara Carlson!
Each year the Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health (MACMH) recognizes individuals who have shown extraordinary achievement and/or leadership in the field of children’s mental health. This year, the MACMH Board
The Cheese Won’t Stand Alone Along the I-29 Corridor
For a long time, I’ve championed the impact of the I-29/1-90 corridor on southwest Minnesota and our greater rural region. This week, news from Brookings, S.D., highlights a perfect example