We support local businesses, entrepreneurs and families to foster economic mobility and provide grants and programs that create opportunities for all people to thrive in our communities. None of it happens without you: Your generous spirit makes southwest Minnesota a place like none other. Each year, we continue to see an increase in demand for our programs and resources. Your gifts help strengthen our communities to do good work together. Thank you!
Give to the Max Day 2013
It’s time to Give to the Max to support your favorite Minnesota charities! GiveMN.org is an innovative online resource that is changing the way Minnesotans give and helping create a
New Legislation Opens 2012 Giving Option until Feb. 1, 2013
The new tax landscape looks very different than it did in 2012. You, your parents, your clients—many people are affected by changes to legislation that took effect Jan. 1. An
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
We are so blessed here in southwest Minnesota. I hope you are able to enjoy time with your family and friends during this holiday season. Know that all of us
Our Minnesota Spirit of Giving Shines Brightly
WOW! This has been an incredible week for the field of philanthropy. From celebrating Community Foundation week, to National Philanthropy Day to Give to the Max Day in Minnesota—I am
Backing Up Our Work
This week, Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) staff took some time to have a fun lunch together and celebrate a big achievement for our organization. For the second year in a