This week marked my first experience attending the national Council on Foundation’s annual Family Philanthropy Conference. I found myself wearing multiple hats—representing the Council on Foundations as a board member, as well as SWIF, our region and our donors. I found the many conversations and connections I’ve had this week to be incredibly valuable for southwest Minnesota and SWIF’s entire family of donors.
The focus of the week was meaningful family giving, which happens in so many ways. Giving is personal, but even as individuals, we’re brought together by a desire to make things around us better for those we care about.
Have you ever talked about giving with your family? Do your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews know that community is important to you? I’d like to pose a challenge to you. Take time in the next few weeks to talk about giving with your family members. Talk about why you volunteer your time for community activities, organizations or your church. Talk about why you support the Girl/Boy Scouts, Red Cross, local community foundation or whatever your favorite charity might be. Talk to them about why you started donating to a particular fund. And talk to them about why you hope they too will make an effort to give back as they’re able.
Family philanthropy doesn’t always mean having a fund or foundation in your name. It can take many forms, so be sure you’re taking the time to enjoy sharing these gifts with those closest to you.