MinnWest Technology Campus

Listening Session for Family Child Care: Willmar

MinnWest Technology Campus 1800 Technology Drive, Willmar, MN

Southwest Minnesota child care providers and child care champions are invited to attend a listening session to provide feedback, ideas and concerns regarding the draft licensing standards for family child care and child care centers published by the Department of Human Services as part of the Child Care Regulation Modernization Projects. One of SWIF's priorities is supporting the growth and retention of child care programs in the region because we know access to quality child care is critical to community vitality and economic mobility. We are seeking the engagement and participation of child care providers and child care champions across the region to ensure the perspectives of southwest Minnesota are represented.

Partners in Ag Innovation

MinnWest Technology Campus 1800 Technology Drive, Willmar, MN

This year’s theme is The Impact of Technology on Agriculture. Technology has transformed traditional farming and agribusiness practices and will continue to address challenges this industry faces. Topics such as AI, access to information and markets, data analytics and data driven decisions, supply chain management, climate modeling, biotechnology, automation and robotics and precision farming are all changing the industry landscape.