Last month, our region lost a great leader in Senator Gary Kubly. For years, and even through his recent battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease, Sen. Kubly worked hard to represent much of our southwest Minnesota region and make a difference in our corner of the state. He was actively engaged in this region, including in his community, and was a strong supporter of SWIF and our programs—from our local Granite Falls Area Community Foundation to our statewide Early Childhood Initiative.
I know other regional communities have also recently lost notable leaders and we could easily get wrapped up in sadness and grief. But instead, I want to challenge all of us to look back at the many positive things that have happened because these people chose to make southwest Minnesota their home. They gave of their time, talent and resources to make our communities and businesses stronger, more vibrant and more welcoming. They did it because they, like so many of us, care deeply about our region and those who live here.
I also want to challenge all of us to be inspired by the legacy so many leaders in our communities have left—and are still creating today. As we consider the demographics of our region, we need more and new people to step up. We need more and new people to take note of the opportunities and issues facing our region. We need to help equip and inspire people to get involved—both in formal leadership roles and informally by simply taking an active role in our communities.
Where do you see gaps in your community? What can you do to inspire others or get more involved yourself? Consider becoming a mentor, volunteering, running for an elected position—anything you feel could help you make a difference. We all benefit when we all get involved!