An organization like Southwest Initiative Foundation needs enthusiastic leaders to drive its work and Marcy Costello, of Lakefield, has definitely provided vision, ideas and energy while serving six years with our Board of Directors. Her final term ends June 30, the close of our fiscal year.
Marcy brought valuable insight and perspective as an entrepreneur and owner to a unique southwest Minnesota business. Her experience as a newcomer to our region gave her a lens to see our communities and work differently, opening our eyes to new ideas and opportunities.
Marcy is a great connector and is always looking for people who should know more about the foundation. She speaks passionately about our work and what we must do to keep our rural communities going strong.
Her warm and welcoming nature made her a natural connector at any foundation function, and her introductions and conversations have created and strengthened many lasting relationships.
Please join us in thanking Marcy for her volunteer board service!