Kurt Thompson, SWIF Program Officer:
During my business career, I have made many decisions; some good and some bad. As I look back on them, I can tell you that the good decisions could have been better and the bad ones, well let’s just say I used those as learning opportunities. During that same time, I watched countless others lose time, money, and opportunity in their businesses. This is true in any industry and it would be easy for me, sitting in the proverbial cheap seats to identify everything that others did wrong. The truth is we all make mistakes and the only thing that we can do is minimize those mistakes and their impact on our businesses. I have always said…as hard as it is to lose money, you can always make more. You will never get time or opportunity back.
My hope is that this blog will serve as a platform for the open exchange of ideas; a place to learn, and a place to teach. The truth is that entrepreneurship is never easy, and unfortunately business will continue to be more competitive as time goes on. The reality is that if you are in business, you have lots to offer; you have ideas, you have knowledge, and you have shared experiences that could rock the very foundation of any MBA program. I also know that there are others out there that could use some of your knowledge and others that know a few things that you may be interested in learning a little bit more about as well. This blog is part of a network, one that has no membership, just a collection of people like you who know that together we can learn, share and experience the importance of being part of a group that is focused on being better at what we all do. The more we know, the better choices we make. The better choices we make, the more successful we are. The more successful we are, the stronger our communities are.
Thanks for joining me. I look forward to sharing and learning with all of you…TOGETHER!