Granite Falls Area Community Foundation
The mission of the Granite Falls Area Community Foundation is to provide opportunities for the community to connect the legacy of the past to tomorrow’s dreams through charitable giving and grantmaking. Organized under the umbrella of Southwest Initiative Foundation, the community foundation is a vehicle for making charitable contributions for the benefit of the community through a permanent endowment fund. A local advisory board provides oversight and directs how funds will be used for the exclusive benefit of the Granite Falls area.

Local Advisory Board
Kathy Anderson
Laurel Christianson
Kyle Haugen
Kate Hegna
Molly Hoff
Keith Koerlin
Brad Peterson
Lisa Streich
Helen Stukel
The Granite Falls Area Community Foundation sets grant-making priorities through regular review of community needs and opportunities. Grants are made to qualified non-profit organizations that have an interest in building and strengthening the community and surrounding area. Since inception, the Granite Falls Area Community Foundation and its related funds have collectively granted more than $965,000 in scholarships and to local organizations and community projects.