Yesterday we were in Pipestone for a board meeting. Southwest Initiative Foundation’s Board of Directors includes leaders from across our southwest Minnesota region and they make it a priority to visit different communities for each meeting – they meet six times each year.
A highlight was holding the meeting at Hiawatha Lodge, a beautiful new community center. People in the area will remember the location as the site for the “Song of Hiawatha” pageant which ran for many years. We’re excited that we helped with the project, through our local affiliate the Pipestone Area Community Foundation.
We were also excited to hear about many positive things happening through the community foundation, a local citizen group called Pipestone Forward, the city, school and many volunteers. A housing study, downtown renovations and a new business expansion are just a few of the good things happening.
This community has made youth a priority, which aligns perfectly with Grow Our Own. Southwest Initiative Foundation will be working closely with Pipestone in the months ahead to support our kids in this southwest Minnesota community.