A hardworking, fun-loving couple, farming is in Geoffrey and Leann Johnson’s blood. Leann grew up a farm girl near Mountain Lake. She and Geof met at a neighbor’s hoedown. They’ve been married
Southwest Initiative Foundation Introduces Bright Beginnings Program
SWIF is working to expand regional number of child care providers HUTCHINSON, Minn.— Rural Minnesota, including the Southwest Initiative Foundation’s southwest Minnesota region, is facing a child care crisis. More
Emerging Leaders Cabinet Ready to Launch
This month, SWIF is launching our new Emerging Leaders Cabinet with a retreat hosting its volunteer members. Led by Board Chair Bob Thurston and Director of Community Philanthropy Liz Cheney,
Broadband Goes Rural
The power of broadband infrastructure is undeniable. It’s one of the most important economic investments that cities, counties, states and our federal government need to think about today. Southwest Minnesota has been
2016 Annual Report
30 Years of Impact Over 30 years ago, The McKnight Foundation joined forces with individuals who wanted to strengthen rural Minnesota. Together, they established six Minnesota Initiative Foundations, including our very
The Seeds of a Foundation
Mark Lofthus and Marian Blattner’s handwriting is all over the Southwest Initiative Foundation’s earliest documents. They were leaders in what became the formation of the six Minnesota Initiative Foundations, including