What would make your community a better place? Frequently, community foundations are approached by a group of community members with an idea for a project that they would like to
Archives for December 2018
Community Foundation Portal launches
We were thrilled to roll out the new Community Foundation Portal in October, making it quicker and easier for our community foundation partners to access information. The officers of each
Holiday office hours at the foundation
Thanks to everyone who supports our kids and the communities they call home. Because of you, our southwest Minnesota kids have the chance to thrive. That’s something to celebrate! As
Year-end gifts
With the end of the year quickly approaching, please be sure to check your mailboxes frequently. Many donors make decisions about their charitable contributions near the end of the year.
Meet Dee Griebel
Raised on a farm near Pipestone, Dee Griebel remembers the safety of the small-but-mighty town where she spent much of her childhood. The way neighbors helped neighbors all year long,