We were thrilled to roll out the new Community Foundation Portal in October, making it quicker and easier for our community foundation partners to access information. The officers of each fund partner board have a login to the portal.
More than 80 of you attended the demonstration sessions we held in Marshall, Montevideo, Hutchinson and Worthington and got a chance to see first-hand how the online platform works. As I mentioned at each of those events, we plan to continue to revise and improve the portal. As you begin to use the portal, we welcome your feedback and will do what we can to implement your suggestions. This is your portal and we want it to work for you!
Going forward, the online portal will be the main way you submit and retrieve information about your foundation. The portal can be used to view prior gifts and grants or current spendable amounts. It can be used to submit gifts or request expense reimbursements. You can use the portal to share links to your grant or project fund application. In the libraries you can upload minutes and see your most recent financial statements. No more paper forms and no more waiting to see fund balances. Pretty cool, right? I think so!
If you were unable to have someone from your community foundation attend a demonstration session, please contact us and we can work with you to get you connected to the portal. If you are online and have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us. As always, the best way to reach us is [email protected] as this goes to several people. Thanks again for your patience with us as we make these changes.
About the Author: Jeff Vetsch serves as Community Philanthropy Officer at Southwest Initiative Foundation.