Early this week, we said farewell to Program Officer Sara Carlson, who has accepted a new career opportunity as the first full-time exective director of the Willmar Area Community Foundation. We are sad to no longer have Sara on staff but I’m excited about continuing to work with her as a community foundation colleague.

With change, comes new opportunity — for Sara and her family and SWIF and our Early Childhood Initiative. We wish Sara the best and remain committed to ECI and the work she has championed through it.
Here’s a note from Sara we’d like to share with our southwest Minnesota region:
Fall is a season full of change and life at Southwest Initiative Foundation is not immune to changes. I have made the difficult decision to resign my position at SWIF to pursue a new career opportunity. I have absolutely loved my nine years at SWIF and with the Early Childhood Initiative — due in large part to the fabulous people I was privileged to work with every day in our region and at the state level. I cannot thank each of you enough for the many kindnesses, acts of support and ways we’ve partnered together to positively change the landscape for our youngest children. Our work has mattered and I am enormously proud of it; I hope you are as well.
As key stakeholders and partners for ECI and SWIF, I want to assure you that our Executive Team at SWIF is already developing a plan for the coming weeks to ensure the work will carry forward as smoothly as possible. SWIF’s commitment to the region, to our communities and to ECI remains steadfast and I have every confidence that you all will find that to be the case too.
My final day representing SWIF was August 23. I will begin my new position as Executive Director of the Willmar Area Community Foundation mid-September. It is a wonderful opportunity for me — one I am excited about and know it will have me crossing paths with many of you in the near future. I will miss my travels to the corners of the region and to see all of you but know that I am holding you all close in heart and cheering you on in the steps you take for southwest Minnesota’s youngest children!
All my best,