Our Board of Directors met yesterday in Slayton for our regular meeting, and as usual, we left feeling energized after learning new things about the community and having great conversations about Southwest Initiative Foundation’s work.
The morning started with presentations by some regional organizations based in Slayton including Southwest Regional Development Commission and Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Prairie Land Economic Development Corporation, and the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership. These organizations offer programs to assist people in our region with a variety of services from business lending to home ownership preparation.
Our board had good conversation about SWIF’s role in advocacy—we often serve as a voice for not just southwest Minnesota, but also rural communities across our state and even beyond. We specifically spent time focusing on our Early Childhood Initiative’s impact, and through conversation both among the board and with Slayton community leaders, it became clear that access to child care is a critical issue throughout our region.
During our community lunch, guests shared a number of things they’re proud of about Slayton, including:
- A successful Murray County ECI, which for the last nearly 10 years has been working to improve the lives of Murray County’s youngest children. They’re known for a signature fundraiser, the “Jail and Bail” which raises funds to support this work. Nine community leaders attending lunch yesterday have been “arrested” for this fun event, which last year raised over $9,000!
- Slayton is home to the largest solar panel farm in Minnesota. Because of its location on the Buffalo Ridge, it not only provides power but also opportunities to test solar versus wind energy production.
- Slayton has a unique Main Street—literally with parking down the center of it! Main Street is also home to a number of successful retail stores.
- Jim’s Market, the local grocery store, is building a new facility across the road from its current location. By adding a deli, they’ll add a projected 10-12 jobs for the community, too.
- A new Family Dollar and full industrial park point to a stable local economy. There are also plans for potential new residential development.
- The Chamber’s 11 new members in 2012 represent a wide range of businesses. They have more than 100 members.
- The county-owned medical center is working on a $14 million expansion.
- End-O-Line Railroad Park and Museum has 10,000-15,000 visitors each year, and Lake Shetek State Park is a popular regional location.
I would add that Slayton was very involved with supporting Honor Flight Southwest Minnesota. And, people in the Murray County area have always had a great sense of collaboration, which was even shown during yesterday’s lunch as guests talked not just about Slayton but shared highlights about Currie, Lake Wilson, Chandler and other communities. These are partner-minded community leaders we can learn from!