As the President/CEO, I travel a couple times a year to other states to visit special people who choose to spend winter in warmer conditions. I recently returned from the Phoenix, Arizona area and once again was awestruck by the all the people I had the opportunity to connect with whose hearts are really back here in southwest Minnesota.
They may be golfing, playing tennis, hiking, enjoying social gatherings in their neighborhoods and with friends – but I can tell you one of the very first things they do every morning is check out Minnesota news and weather. Their commitment to their communities, businesses, family and friends remains strong even when they are enjoying the much warmer environment of Arizona.
If you know of anyone who spends their winter in a warmer climate and think they would appreciate a visitor from ‘home,’ let me know and I’d be more than glad to stop by and say hello.
My visits are important as I take time to connect with some very special people to the Southwest Initiative Foundation – those who are giving back to southwest Minnesota through our 21 community foundations, donor-advised funds, school foundations and many other funds. Many of them are also Growing Home Circle members – those who are giving $1,000 or more a year, with a dollar-for-dollar match from The McKnight Foundation, further growing our organization’s endowment which supports all our work today and for the future.
I shared a quote this week at our full staff meeting:
“In business, it’s not about closing the sale; it’s about opening the relationship.” – Jim Cathcart
As always, it’s an honor to serve as President/CEO and have the opportunity to open relationships and sustain relationships with the BEST people. We truly have the BEST in and from southwest Minnesota!