Online seminars hosted by the Southwest Initiative Foundation, Working Families Resource Network
Parents, caregivers, employers and community members are invited to register for the online Family Survival Webinar Series designed to help southwest Minnesota parents and caregivers achieve work-life balance so they can focus on being their child’s most important teacher. The online seminar series is hosted by the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) and the Working Families Resource Network.
“We know that families of our youngest children are trying hard to achieve balance between parenting and working life, which is made increasingly challenging by today’s economic stressors,” said SWIF Program Officer Sara Carlson. “These webinars will not only provide people the education and support they need, but they will also be able to access it at a time that works best for them.”
Each of the seminars in this three-part series will be broadcast live online for up to 1,000 registrants. There is no cost to participate but registration is required. Priority registration will be given to southwest Minnesota residents and employees. Visit to register. For more information, contact SWIF Program Officer Sara Carlson at [email protected], 1-800-594-9480, 320-587-4848 or visit
Archived recordings of each session will be available at any time for 30 days after the broadcast at All participants will be able to post questions relating to each seminar on the online Message Board. Webinar instructors will post answers weekly for four weeks following the live broadcast.
The first session, “Financial Survival in Today’s Economy,” will be broadcast live from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday, March 2, with an archived recording available until March 31. This session will focus on preparing a survival spending plan, reducing expenses, dealing with creditors, prioritizing obligations and connecting to community resources. Participants will learn how to create a family budget to support an environment necessary for young children to thrive and grow.
Subsequent sessions addressing different family survival topics will be broadcast live from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 6, and from noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, May 6.
“We hope that this innovative approach will impact people across the region and ultimately help in the important work of raising our next generation,” Carlson said.
The Southwest Initiative Foundation is a regional community foundation dedicated to advancing southwest Minnesota through leadership, relationship-building, program development and philanthropy. The Foundation has contributed more than $46 million through its grant and loan programs in southwest Minnesota. It has also helped more than 450 businesses start or expand through its business finance programs, which has created or retained more than 7,400 jobs. To learn more, visit