Morton Area Community Foundation
The mission of the Morton Area Community Foundation is to support community and business growth by building a permanent resource through the generosity of past, present and future residents. Organized under the umbrella of Southwest Initiative Foundation, the community foundation is a vehicle for making charitable contributions for the benefit of the community through a permanent endowment fund that enables people to give back and fulfill the dreams for tomorrow. A local advisory board provides oversight and directs how funds will be used for the exclusive benefit of the Morton area.

Local Advisory Board
Diane Amberg
Kathy Jorgenson
Candy Restock-Korte
Tim Schablin
The Morton Area Community Foundation sets grant-making priorities through regular review of community needs and opportunities. Grants are made to qualified non-profit organizations that have an interest in building and strengthening the community and surrounding area. Since inception, the Morton Area Community Foundation has granted nearly $45,000 to support local organizations and community projects.