To address needs resulting from severe flooding in southwest Minnesota, Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) has established the Windom Flood Relief Fund in partnership with its community affiliate, the Windom Area Foundation, the Jackson Flood Relief Fund in partnership its community affiliate, the Jackson Area Community Foundation, and the Southwest Minnesota Flood Relief Fund. These emergency funds will help those affected by the high water with financial assistance related to long-term recovery in Windom, Jackson and the foundation’s southwest Minnesota region. Individuals who want to contribute to these relief efforts can give in several ways, and donations to the fund are tax deductible.
Archives for June 2024
Listening sessions for draft licensing standards for child care providers
Southwest Minnesota child care providers and child care champions are invited to attend a listening session to provide feedback, ideas and concerns regarding the draft licensing standards for family child care and child care centers published by the Department of Human Services as part of the Child Care Regulation Modernization Projects. One of SWIF’s priorities is supporting the growth and retention of child care programs in the region because we know access to quality child care is critical to community vitality and economic mobility. We are seeking the engagement and participation of child care providers and child care champions across the region to ensure the perspectives of southwest Minnesota are represented.