Today’s approach to career and technical education in southwest Minnesota is an evolving network of partners all leaning in to strengthen students’ ties to the region and open their eyes to the possibilities around them. Southwest Initiative Foundation and all its funds have invested more than $1 million in career pathways work since 2017, from sponsoring major career expos drawing hundreds of students to the purchase of welding safety equipment and funding hands-on FFA experiences.
Archives for March 2024
Local community foundations are partners in career prep
When it comes to career and technical education (CTE), local community foundations can be a great resource to support projects and ideas in schools. Many of Southwest Initiative Foundation’s 31 community foundation partners make grants to schools for projects related to career exploration. Earlier this school year, the Montevideo Area Community Foundation (MACF) granted half the cost to replace the safety helmets in the welding shop at Montevideo High School.
On the right path
The newest issue of our CONNECT newsletter is all about career pathways. Our feature story has highlights from the vast network of partnerships around our region that are supporting our students in finding meaningful work and our employers in filling their workforce needs so that our economy and communities can thrive. Choosing what to include was difficult because there is so much happening in career and technical education right now.
Celebrating 10 Business Reinvention cohorts
We recently wrapped up the 10th Business Reinvention cohort with our partners redstar marketing un/academy! This program has been a game-changer for dozens of Southwest Initiative Foundation loan clients. Business Reinvention brings together up to eight businesses for a unique, collaborative workshop experience. The team at redstar marketing un/academy guides passionate entrepreneurs through a hands-on process to assess the current business landscape and craft a fresh vision for the future.
Lac qui Parle Area Welcoming and Inclusive Communities Project
The Lac qui Parle area is participating in Welcoming & Inclusive Communities Project (WICP), a free nine-month initiative designed to empower rural communities to engage in welcoming and belonging efforts that spur economic development, promote community engagement and build thriving communities for new and current residents. Local organizers are looking for community members from Appleton, Dawson, Madison and the surrounding areas to be part of the WICP cohort.
Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund
Southwest Initiative Foundation has been selected by the Otto Bremer Trust as a philanthropic partner to award funds through its new Community Responsive Fund. SWIF will work closely with OBT to award $400,000 in grants of up to $75,000 each to support local organizations that directly respond to immediate challenges and opportunities in the community. The grant application deadline is 5 p.m. on April 19, 2024.