On behalf of Southwest Initiative Foundation, thank you for your ongoing partnership. Your generosity and dedication make it possible to address critical community needs in pursuit of economic mobility for all our kids and families. Through giving, economic development and community impact, we’re becoming a region where all people thrive.
Since taking on my new role in February, I have been reminded over and over of our unique impact as a regional community foundation. Our role has never been more relevant in southwest Minnesota, and I’m proud to work with a talented team of individuals and wonderful board members who are passionate about listening to the voice of the region. What we hear is the need for child care solutions, support for entrepreneurs, partners to address workforce shortages and opportunities to invest in our communities and build belonging.
I’m confident we can meet these needs together. I have hope for our future in the region because of the stories I hear every day. This annual impact report highlights a few of them, shining a light on our partners, donors and the community relationships that power our mission. Thank you again for your support. I look forward to continuing to work together connecting people, investing in ideas and building communities.
Scott Marquardt, President
Stories of Impact

In Bird Island, supporting community-led solutions to the child care crisis
It’s mid-morning at the Learning Funhouse child care center in Bird Island. Miss Grace encourages the preschoolers to listen to a book she’s reading. After the story ends, they play with dinosaurs, try to wait their turn, get hugs and reminders to share space with friends. Meanwhile, the toddlers are driving toy tractors around the carpet in the room next door. And in the infant room, it’s time for a bottle. To Mark Glesener, president of the Learning Funhouse nonprofit board, the daily activity reminds him of a town. Keep Reading

Darwin Community Legacy Foundation makes its mark with help from generous community members and legacy gift
The Darwin Community Legacy Foundation has made its mark on Darwin and the surrounding area by raising more than $1 million in its first six years. The community foundation is an affiliate partner of Southwest Initiative Foundation and serves as a permanent resource that benefits the Darwin area through fundraising, grantmaking and community projects. Local community foundations retain wealth in our small towns and provide a way for people to give back to the places they care about. Keep Reading

Entrepreneurs open Auto Nation repair shop in Redwood Falls
Ruben and Wendi Valdez have opened Auto Nation repair shop in Redwood Falls with help from Southwest Initiative Foundation’s Microenterprise Loan Program and DEED’s Minnesota Emerging Entrepreneur Loan Program. The new business is located one block off Minnesota Highway 71 along Redwood Falls Airport Road. Ruben is a certified auto technician with 20 years of automotive repair experience and a two-year automotive service technical degree. He previously worked for a Ford dealership in the service department and then became a shop foreman, mechanic and driver for GFW Public Schools in transportation, meanwhile making plans to open his own business. Keep Reading
GRANTS from all funds
Investing in what our kids and their families need to succeed
$4,178,288 Vibrant and Welcoming Communities
$195,978 Early Care and Education
$568,334 K-12 Engagement
$226,089 Basic Needs
$51,624 Pathways to Meaningful Work
$61,025 Strong and Healthy Families
LOANS closed by industry
Supporting economic growth, vibrant communities
$250,000 Agriculture
$390,899 Child Care
$45,000 Education
$51,000 Healthcare
$220,000 Hospitality
$353,500 Manufacturing
$886,228 Real Estate
$215,150 Retail
$643,148 Service
$32,500 Technology
Review Our Financial Statements
The notes to these statements are an integral part of the financials. Please email us or call us at 800-594-9480 to request our complete audited financials or financial statements from a previous fiscal year.
Note: Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. More recent financial documents will be added as they become available.