Meghan drives the foundation’s communications, marketing and external engagement work. Working for an organization that is making a positive impact in southwest Minnesota, a place she’s proud to call home, is
Erica Volkir
Erica is a dedicated business, community and nonprofit advocate and works as the executive director of the Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. Originally from Omaha, Neb., Erica majored
Laura Curtiss
As the grants administrative assistant, Laura provides day-to-day administrative support and coordination for Southwest Initiative Foundation’s grant program – the behind-the-scenes work to distribute grant dollars to communities. She joined
Tiffany Barnard
Tiff believes in giving back to the communities that raised her and is excited to be a part of a team that works hard to bring opportunity to all. She
Theresa Zaske
Theresa Zaske is the Community Relations Manager at Schwan’s Company, where she’s served in various roles during her 30-year tenure. In her current role, she advises the Schwan’s Corporate Giving
Dan Greve
Dan Greve grew up in Worthington and has spent much of his career there. He has been a Chief Financial Officer for manufacturing businesses over the past 20 years. He