Grants Awarded in 2005
American Refugee Committee, Minneapolis, Fishing Boat Project
Project to replace fishing boats for tsunami victims in 13 coastal villages in Thailand. The grant represents donations from SWMF staff, with matching funds from SWMF. |
$540 |
ARC Southwest Minnesota, Marshall, Organizational Development
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through fund development planning, technology, and board development.
$5,000 |
Bird Island Civic and Commerce Association, Bird Island, Technology Feasibility Study
Support for the technology promotion committee whose purpose is to create greater use of the high-speed internet business infrastructure. |
$2,500 |
Center for Cross-Cultural Health, St. Paul, Cultural Competency Leadership Development
Series of trainings to develop a diverse core group of emerging and existing leaders in Willmar. |
$10,000 |
Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for a project that teaches young people about free enterprise, encourages creative entrepreneurial minds, and provides partial funding for start up school-run or individual businesses by students in southwest Minnesota. |
$50,000 |
Center for Rural Policy and Development, St. Paul, Center for Rural Policy and Development Membership
Membership to an organization that supports policy makers, rural advocates, and concerned citizens with an objective, unbiased examination of rural issues. |
$1,000 |
Chippewa River Watershed Project, Montevideo, Effective Fundraising and Board Development
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through a marketing campaign and board development. |
$5,000 |
The Church of St. Adrian, Adrian, Parish Nurse - Year 3
Parish Nurse program for Catholic parishes in Adrian, Lismore, Wilmont, and St. Kilian that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$10,000 |
City of Montevideo, Montevideo, Survival Spanish for Emergency Services Personnel
Training in basic Spanish language communications in Montevideo for law enforcement, emergency medical service, and emergency dispatch workers. |
$1,060 |
City of Redwood Falls Senior Commission, Redwood Falls, Senior Expo
Event that connects seniors to products and services, provides access to information for caregivers of seniors, and provides education on topics of interest to seniors. |
$1,000 |
Clarkfield Lutheran Church, Clarkfield, Parish Nurse Program
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness
through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$10,000 |
Council on Foundations, Washington, Annual Membership 2005
Membership to an organization that promotes philanthropic practices and principles of grant making. |
$4,110 |
CURE, Montevideo, Minnesota River Environment
Regional impact grant for operational support of new efforts to clean up the Minnesota River, including the youth initiative, hard rock initiative, and clean Minnesota River economy initiative. |
$43,000 |
Danebod Village, Tyler, Bringing Danebod Village into the 21st Century
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical asssistance to build organizational capacity by changing over to computerized financial systems. |
$5,000 |
Early Childhood Initiative Montevideo Community Coordinator - Year 2
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for funding of a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation. |
$5,000 |
Early Childhood Initiative Outreach
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for facilitation and outreach for the Early Childhood Initiative. |
$10,000 |
Early Childhood Initiative Promotion and Activities
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for promotional materials for the Early Childhood Initiative and funds to convene ECI coordinators from across the region. |
$10,000 |
El Pueblo Hispano Conference Scholarship
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for scholarship support for Latino leaders in business and communities to participate in a statewide conference on building community within Latino sectors. |
$2,118 |
First Lutheran Church, Pipestone, Parish Nurse Program
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$10,000 |
Good Samaritan Communities of Luverne, Luverne, STAR Intergenerational Programming - Year 3
An intergenerational project to build relationships between the elderly and youth through intentional intergenerational activities. |
$8,000 |
Grace Lutheran Church, Belview, Parish Nurse Program - Year 3
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$7,500 |
Granite Falls Living at Home/Block Nursing, Granite Falls, Mental Health Education - Year 2
A program to help keep the elderly in their homes safely and independently as long as possible. |
$5,000 |
Heartland Community Action Agency, Willmar, Circles of Support
Support for a community-based approach to move people out of poverty by building intentional personal relationships across class and race lines that increase cultural compentency. |
$20,000 |
Heartland Community Action Agency, Willmar, Willmar Area Multi-Cultural Market Coordinator
Funding for a half-time coordinator for the Willmar Area Multi-Cultural Market, a market that will offer goods and services with ethnic appeal and focus. |
$20,000 |
Hutchinson Area Foundation for Healthcare, Inc., Hutchinson, Marketing and Capacity Building
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity by conducting a comprehesive strategic plan and developing marketing materials. |
$5,000 |
Intergenerational Outreach V
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for technical assistance, training, education, and resources to build community capacity through intergenerational programming. |
$30,000 |
ISD #177 - Windom, Immersion Preschool for Immigrant Children
Preschool immersion class for immigrant and non-immigrant children that are not presently in a preschool. |
$3,000 |
ISD #345 - New London/Spicer, New London, Cat Shack Entrepreneurship Class
In partnership with the West Central Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, an expansion of the student-operated coffee shop and school store. |
$5,000 |
ISD #378 - Dawson/Boyd, Dawson, Project Respect
Support for an intergenerational project that builds relationship and mutual respect across generations through dialogues and purposeful activities. |
$20,000 |
ISD #518 - Worthington, Worthington Early Childhood Coalition Launch
Funds to support the initial start-up and organization of the Early Childhood Community Coalition in Worthington. |
$2,500 |
ISD #775 - Kerkoven/Murdock/Sunburg, Kerkhoven, Student Run Greenhouse
In partnership with the West Central Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, an entrepreneurial business operated by senior high students. |
$5,000 |
ISD #2169 - Murray County Central, Slayton, All Families Are Valued
Callaborative effort to distribute culturally-diverse toys and information to daycare settings and ECFE in Murray County. |
$2,020 |
ISD #2169 - Murray County Central, Slayton, Early Childhood Initiative Murray County Community Coordinator - Year 2
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activies, and as a liaison for the SWMF. |
$5,000 |
ISD - #2184 - Luverne, MinnWest Support Child Guide - Year 4
In partnership with Minnwest Bank, a program that connects elementary-aged children to activities and opportunities to increase youth developmental assets. |
$20,000 |
ISD #2362 - Belgrade/Brooten/Elrosa, Belgrade, Concession Stand & School Store
In partnership with the West Central Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, an entrepreneurial business operated by senior high students. |
$5,000 |
ISD #2689 - Pipestone, Child Guide - Year 4
Program that connects elementary-aged children to activities and opportunities to increase youth developmental assets. |
$13,000 |
ISD #2890 - Renville County West, Renville, MeterMax Planter Business
In partnership with the West Central Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, an entrepreneurial business operated by senior high students. |
$5,000 |
ISD #2897 - Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls Early Childhood Coalition Launch
Funds to support the initial start-up and organization of the Early Childhood Community Coalition in Redwood Falls. |
$2,500 |
James Binger Memorial
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for a memorial for James Binger, a trustee of The McKnight Foundation, for a grant awarded in Mr. Binger's name to Methodist Hospital's Hospice program. |
$1,000 |
Jewish Community Relations Council, Minneapolis, Tolerance Works
Support for a series of multicultural "train the trainer" workshops for teachers in southwest Minnesota communities whose schools have a non-white population higher than the state average. |
$20,000 |
Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest, Maplewood, Exchange City Summer Camp
Camperships for students to give them skills and an experience to successfully manage the affairs of a community. |
$3,000 |
Kandiyohi County Area Family YMCA Child Care Center, Willmar, Child Care Center Outreach, Materials, and Enhancements
Materials to enhance the sensory, motor, and social domains of children enrolled in the child care center. |
$300 |
The Land Stewardship Project, Montevideo, Farm Beginnings - Year 3
An intergenerational project that builds mutually beneficial relationships between a new generation of farmers and those with decades of farming experience. |
$15,000 |
Life Connections VI
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for the distribution of the "File of Life" medical information packet and sponsorship of a two-day event in Willmar to explore lifestyle and resource opportunities for persons over the age of 50. |
$7,364 |
Luverne Child Guide Endowment Challenge
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for a program that connects elementary-aged children to activities and opportunities that increase youth developmental assets. |
$15,000 |
McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence, Hutchinson, Fundraising Development Plan
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through fund development planning. |
$4,875 |
Meeker-McLeod-Sibley Community Health Services, Hutchinson, Minnesota Living Well - Elder Friendly Communities - Year 2
A regional project to promote "senior-friendly communities." |
$20,000 |
Minneapolis Foundation, Minneapolis, Minnesota Meeting Sponsorship
Support for a series of statewide meetings in 2005 to address immigration issues, opportunities, and challenges. |
$2,000 |
Minnesota 4-H Foundation, Minneapolis, Southwest Minnesota Youth Engagement Council
A three-year youth leadership project that provides opportunities for young people to design services that meet the needs of young people. |
$24,000 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minneapolis, Annual Membership
Promotion of philanthropic practices and principles of grantmaking. |
$4,225 |
Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minneapolis, MCF Giving Forum Sponsorship
Support for the Minnesota Council on Foundation's publication that outlines Minnesota's community foundations. |
$417 |
Minnesota Technology, Inc., Alexandria, Synchronous Flow Manufacturing
Regional training event to teach synchronous flow management manufacturing principles to strengthen the non-agricultural economy of southwest Minnesota. |
$9,250 |
Minnesota Valley Lutheran Church, Madison, Parish Nurse Program - Year 2
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$3,000 |
Minnesota West Community & Technical College, Worthington, Survival Spanish Training - II
Educational opportunities for employers and employees to learn language skills to improve communications among cultures. |
$6,500 |
Montevideo Community Education, Montevideo, Montevideo Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 2
Support for the Montevideo Early Childhood Coalition to accomplish the community's vision and goals for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Nonprofit Management Institute
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for resources to prepare and conduct the Nonprofit Institute and convening events for nonprofit organizations in southwest Minnesota. |
$23,344 |
Nordland Lutheran Church, Paynesville, Parish Nurse Program - Year 2
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$5,000 |
Our Redeemers Lutheran Church, Benson, Parish Nurse - Year 2
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$12,000 |
PACT 4 Families Collaborative, Willmar, Brain Builders: Minds Under Construction
Conference to offer quality education on brain development to all segments of the community, highlighting the importance of early childhood brain development. |
$1,000 |
Page Education Foundation, Minneapolis, Page Scholars
Scholarships, mentorship opportunities, and community service opportunities for students of color in southwest Minnesota. |
$15,000 |
Parish Nurse Capacity Building
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation, in partnership with the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation, for a regional initiative to explore ways to support and sustain parish nursing in southwest Minnesota. |
$10,000 |
Peace United Methodist Church, Pipestone, Parish Nurse Program - Year 2
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$9,000 |
Pioneer Public TV, Appleton, "What Is This Meth Thing?"
Sponsorship of the two-part television production, "What is this Meth Thing?" that addresses the issues around methamphetamine. |
$2,000 |
Prairie Ecology Bus Center, Lakefield, Organizational Development Training
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through strategic planning and problem solving. |
$5,000 |
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, Spicer, Growing Up, Reaching Out
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity by upgrading financial information management and marketing systems. |
$5,000 |
Redwood Area Communities Foundation, Redwood Falls, Redwood Area Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 1
Support for the Redwood Falls Early Childhood Coalition in accomplishing action towards their community vision for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Redwood Area Communities Foundation, Redwood Falls, Suntonka (Horse) Program
Provides Native American youth with equestrian experiences to build their confidence, cultural appreciation, and academic success. |
$20,000 |
Regional Convening
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for the convening of key leaders and groups in southwest Minnesota to promote regionals priorities. |
$2,000 |
Rice Memorial Hospital, Willmar, Gillette Mobile Outreach Clinic Feasibility Study
Regional impact grant to conduct a feasibilitiy study to establish a Gillette Mobile Outreach Satellite Clinic in Willmar. |
$10,000 |
Rice Rehabilitation Center, Willmar, Driver Rehab Simulator and Program
Marketing and training for a new driver rehabilitation simulator to benfit senior citizens. |
$3,000 |
Ridgewater College, Willmar, Small Business Management Scholarship
Scholarship support for entrepreneurial activities at Ridgewater College through a small business management course. |
$461 |
Ridgewater College, Willmar, Small Business Management Scholarship
Scholarship support for entrepreneurs enrolled in small business management courses. |
$1,797 |
RSVP of Rock County, Luverne, Celebrate Seniors '05
Educational event for seniors and the community to promote productive aging and create an awarenes of the many services and programs available to senior citizens. |
$1,000 |
Salem Lutheran Church, Jackson, Parish Nurse Program
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellnes through education, counsel, and advocacy serives. |
$10,000 |
Southwest Minnesota Foundation Annual Event
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for the annual event to celebrate and recognize the talents and contributions of the people and communities in southwest Minnesota. |
$3,695 |
Southwest Minnesota Foundation Leadership Award 2005
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for an award recognizing an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in one of the Foundation's priority areas, presented to Patrick Moore of Montevideo. |
$1,000 |
Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, Small Business Development Center - Year 4
Partnership between Southwest Minnesota State University and Southwest Minnesota Foundation to provide development assistance and training programs to businesses. |
$30,000 |
Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, Vital Aging Conference
Regional conference to embrace and inspire productive aging. |
$7,100 |
Southwest Minnesota State University Foundation, Marshall, MARL Seminar
Three-day seminar to increase leadership in economic development, focusing on renewable energy. |
$5,000 |
Southwest Mental Health Center, Windom, You and Your Aging Parent
Series of educational workshops for elders and their families. |
$5,600 |
Southwest Regional Development Community - Region 8, Slayton, Murray County Early Childhood Activities
Support for the Murray County Early Childhood Coalition's activites. |
$250 |
Southwest Regional Development Community - Region 8, Slayton, Murray Country Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 2
Support for the Murray County Early Childhood Coalition to accomplish the community's vision and goals for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
St. Francis Xavier Church, Windom, Parish Nurse - Year 2
Parish nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$17,000 |
Swift County RDA, Benson, Future Products Feasibility Study
Feasibility study to look at utilizing corn to manufacture fiber, yarn, textiles, and clothing. |
$7,500 |
Transfer of Wealth Study
A proactive grant to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation for the creation of a model that will map the growth and time paths of estate settlements throughout Minnesota. |
$2,400 |
United Way of Kandiyohi County, Willmar, Willmar Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 2
Support for the Willmar Early Childhood Coalition to accomplish the community's vision and goals for youngest children and their families. |
$15,500 |
United Way of Kandiyohi County, Willmar, Youth as Resources - Year 3
A youth leadership program that brings youth and adults together to allocate funds to youth-initiated, youth-led community projects. |
$15,000 |
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, University of Minnesota Office of Business Development Membership
Membership to support the University of Minnesota in its mission on the research and discovery of new business opportunities in Minnesota. |
$5,000 |
Western Community Action, Inc., Marshall, Marshall Early childhood Initiative - Year 2
Support for the Marshall Early Childhood Coalition to accomplish the community's vision and goals for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Western Minnesota Prairie Waters, Appleton, Supporting Tourism in Western Minnesota
As part of the Nonprofit Management Institute, technical assistance to build organizational capacity through local education and board development. |
$5,000 |
Willmar Assembly of God, Willmar, Parish Nurse
Parish Nurse program that promotes health and wellness through education, counsel, and advocacy services. |
$5,000 |
Willmar Community Education & Recreation, Willmar, Early Childhood Initiative Willmar Community Coordinator - Year 2
Support for a local coordinator to serve as the "point person" for coalition planning activities, and as a liaison to the Southwest Minnesota Foundation. |
$5,000 |
Willmar Municipal Utilities, Willmar, GENCO Feasibility Study
Study of the economic feasibilitiy of intergrating wind-generated electricity, a renewable resource, into the power mix of a municipal utility.
$23,950 |
Worthington Community Education - District #518, Worthington, Worthington Early Childhood Initiative Vision to Action - Year 1
Support for the Worthington Early Childhood Coalition in accomplishing action towards their community's vision for youngest children and their families. |
$15,000 |
Worthington International Festival, Worthington, 11th Annual International Festival
Cultural event to learn and experience diversity through food, music, arts, and sports. |
$2,500 |
Worthington Regional Economic Development Corporation, Worthington, State Bioscience Conference
Conference to heighten the awareness of agriculture bioscience and explore ways of linking it with human health and medical device bioscience. |
$5,000 |
Worthington Regional Economic Development Corporation, Worthington, Worthington Area EDC Return on Investment
Report outlining the past four years' activities of the Worthington Regional Economic Development Corporation. |
$1,200 |
Grants (SWMF & Component Funds) Totaling $1,050,946 |