The Southwest Minnesota Foundation granted nearly $1 million to 100 projects in 2003.  These dollars were investments in the people and communities of southwest Minnesota. Grants were awarded to projects that promote productive aging, promote inclusive communities, connect youth and communities, promote business and economic development, and promote philanthropy.

New initiatives and partnerships began in 2003 such as the Minnesota Early Childhood Initiative, a partnership with the Minnesota Initiative Funds to create a statewide network of community coalitions aimed at protecting, supporting and advocating for our youngest children.  In addition, the Foundation funded a research study to identify factors that lead to students and parents feeling more attached to their local schools and teachers.  These findings will aid the Foundation in creating more inclusive communities for southwest Minnesota's diverse population.

The Foundation continues to plant new seeds in its grant making efforts, but one thing will always remain the same — it's all about the people.

How to Apply for a Grant