Each March, many food shelves in Minnesota collectively campaign for funds and food to restock their shelves and prepare for the coming year of service.

That statewide focus is narrowed a bit at the Southwest Initiative Foundation office. Staff members and our food shelf committee think a little more regional and focus on serving our 18 counties and the food shelves that are county-based within.
SWIF employees Marsha Frauendienst, Deb Berggren and Janet Menton serve on the food shelf committee.
“The support from staff has been great,” agreed the committee members.
“Even our board has supported our efforts,” Janet added. She recalled board members attending a meeting at our Hutchinson office and making food contributions to our collection boxes.
Since the committee was organized in 2008, staff members have given nearly 3,000 pounds of food and about $2,500 to the regional food shelves (there’s at least one in every county).
For the last several months, staff has collected for Lac qui Parle, Kandiyohi, Lyon and Lincoln Counties and each will receive a box of food and approximately $100 in cash to put toward the match during March FoodShare.
The cash gifts are collected throughout the year. Staff members contribute change to the “coffee cup” in our kitchen and plan, prepare and participate in occasional lunches where proceeds go toward the food shelves.
“Our main purpose is to try to make it fun and painless to participate,” Deb indicated. It’s part of the SWIF culture.