As mentioned in the July 23 blog entry, there are many great stories to share from our recent 25th Anniversary Staff Tour. I’ve asked other staff to share some of their experiences and favorite moments firsthand from our two days of traveling through southwest Minnesota. Enjoy!
A Real Community Gem
Garrett Backes
Development and Communications Specialist
I was very excited that our bus tour took us through lovely Redwood Falls; I had been through the area a few times before, and am delighted whenever my travels take me along or across the Minnesota River Valley. It is like an all-natural theme park ride – rising to the crest, then gently plunging into the valley and across the wide, lazy river flowing between hedges of tree-cluttered marsh.
While in town, though, we had the privilege of visiting the Redwood Area Community Center and got a nice tour from one of our very own board members, Rick Ellingworth, Superintendent of Redwood Falls Schools. I was blown away by how nice and big the facility was – great workout facilities, spacious conference/meeting areas – all excellent quality. And the story of how the city and school district worked together to make it happen is truly something to admire (and applaud!) – successful collaboration on a BIG project to turn out a real community gem.
Not only would it be great for current residents, I can see how a facility like that could be a very tempting draw for people considering moving to the community, especially for families with younger children. I, personally, love staying active with sports, and the field house/basketball courts left me wide-eyed and jaw-dropped…Having access to a huge gym like that to go shoot hoops or work out whenever I wanted?!? Now THAT would be the life!
I’m sure the residents of the Redwood Falls area know and appreciate what a great community asset they have in the Redwood Area Community Center…I know I sure would!
Pictured (from left) are SWIF staff Diana Anderson, Kim Morrow, Nancy Fasching, Nancy Kaping, board member and Superintendent of Redwood Falls Schools Rick Ellingworth, and Kurt Thompson.