After more incredible travel and amazing connections with colleagues, I’m ending my week with some very special visitors, including my granddaughter!
I’m so looking forward to babysitting her tomorrow–our first time! Each time I see Aleeyah, I’m amazed at how quickly she’s growing and changing. She’s learned so much in seven months.
Next week, our region’s youngest children will hold an extra special place for me as well. I’m looking forward to attending the Minnesota Early Childhood Initiative statewide meeting and seeing our regional coalition coordinators and statewide partners. During our time together, we’ll celebrate the 10-year milestone of this important initiative.
We are so grateful for the investment in young children by our former and current board members, The McKnight Foundation, our fellow Minnesota Initiative Foundations and the many other funders and partners who are helping give children ages birth to 5 the best possible start to life. Through our 16 local coalitions and beyond, we’re seeing great efforts in our communities to raise the bar for our youngest children!
What are you doing, as a community member, business leader, parent or grandparent to support the young children in your life?