Start planning today for the next phase of your business.
GPS, Goals for Planning Succession, is a one day forum that is dedicated to providing business owners with an introduction to the tools that they will need as they start preparing for the next phase of their business and personal life. This forum is presented by the Southwest Initiative Foundation and Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation.
March 29, 2011
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.
Verizon Wireless Center Mankato, MN
Get directions.
Cost $49.00 per person and includes lunch
Register online or email [email protected]. Please let us know if you have any diet restrictions.
Forum Agenda
- Opening Keynote
“Legacy & The Last Challenge of Entrepreneurship.” Thomas Hubler, President, Hubler for Business Families, Minneapolis. Mr. Hubler will focus on legacy and what it means to define your legacy in the context of the family-owned business. In addition, his presentation will focus on defining the role of owner-entrepreneur when it comes to the issue of succession planning, the four challenges of an owner-entrepreneur and what are the four areas of planning that companies need to have in place in order to have a succession plan. - Three Learning Tracks
A Business Transition Case Study – Featuring a prominent Midwest company led by Pat Edeburn, Succession Strategies Forum Leader with Anderson Center in St. Cloud, MN. Pat will present the case study that he has written which will allow us to learn and understand what it is like to be in the middle of a business transition. Talent Development – Preparing for Succession – Don Jones of Don Jones Consulting in Marshall, MN along with Vicki Prock of Enterprise Minnesota will dive deep into the concept of having the right person doing the right job. Their combined experience will let us learn first-hand the importance of talent development of current staff as well as the search for talent to lead your organization before, during, and after transition.Passing on the Family Farm – led by Cathy Olson, Lookout Ridge Consulting and Luke Robinson, Thrivant Financials for Lutherans. - Luncheon Keynote Speakers
“After 135 Years and Six Successions, Did We Get it Right?” Denny Dotson, President was the 5th generation and had five years working with his father before becoming CEO, but from the day Denny started he was to be CEO. Jean Bye, CEO worked with Denny 35 years before becoming CEO and only in the past few years was it decided that she would be CEO. It took Denny many years to understand the CEO role and responsibilities while Jean was totally prepared for the position. Denny and Jean will concentrate on the years just before and after their successions describing both the personal challenges and the satisfactions of the transitions. - Afternoon Speakers
Learn from Experience – Led by Tim Penny, President of Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation will moderate a panel discussion to share rewards, challenges and lessons learned from those who have experience succession planning and work with companies to achieve.Sustaining Area Businesses through Succession Planning – Cathy Enerson, Spring Valley EDA director; Abby Hellickson, Workforce Development at Rochester Community and Technical College; and Connie Kotke, instructor and consultant; will showcase how a community can create a partnership approach to building and sustaining a community culture which embraces business succession as a key economic development strategy. - Final Comments – Tim Penny, President of Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation