The latest issue of Looking Forward, Giving Back celebrates Phase I of Grow Our Own, a 10-year commitment by our Board of Directors to create prosperity for all southwest Minnesota kids and the communities they call home.
For the past three years, we’ve worked to raise awareness about the growing opportunity gap facing American kids today and the 1 in 6 southwest Minnesota kids living in poverty.
Socioeconomic status, community wealth, familial situations, race, ethnicity, English proficiency and other factors impact children’s ability to reach their full potential. These kids are our future employees, entrepreneurs, community leaders, volunteers, homeowners, taxpayers and parents.
We believe ensuring our next generation can succeed is the most important thing we can do for the future of southwest Minnesota.
Our work has been grounded in the belief that all kids are our kids and that each person—whether a parent, grandparent, employer, educator, elected official, community member—has a role to play.
The following pages are filled with names of people, businesses and organizations who believe in our work. Their generosity means people of all ages are safe, appreciated and have opportunities to get involved and live fulfilling lives in our rural region, keeping southwest Minnesota strong for the next generation.
We’re also celebrating 20 years of our community foundation program, which has positioned our communities to be catalysts for lasting impact. We’re proud of their local work to keep our communities strong, vibrant and welcoming.
To our donors and partners: Thank you! We are grateful you have chosen to give to the communities and causes you care about. Together, we’re making a difference!
This is the last print edition of Looking Forward, Giving Back. Since the first issue debuted in 2007, the publication has doubled in size to accommodate the growing number of donors giving to dozens of different funds. Mindful of our commitment to be good stewards of the gifts we receive, we will explore more cost-conscious ways to express our sincere gratitude for the incredible support the foundation and our partners receive.
We’re excited to see what’s next as Grow Our Own moves from awareness to action. I hope you join in this excitement too because you are a part of helping our southwest Minnesota kids succeed!