Last week, our Youth Energy Summit (YES!) program, which is provided in partnership with Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center near Spicer, was honored by recieving the Environmental Initiative Awards Environmental Education category. This
Archives for May 2013
A Reminder for Memorial Day
For this year’s Memorial Day, I’m taking time to remember two special veterans in particular—Bud and Ernie—and all those on the Honor Flight I traveled with. I’ve met so many
Congratulating and Connecting Regional Talent
Last Friday, I shared what an honor it was for me to speak at Ridgewater College’s Willmar Commencement ceremony. My key message was to graduates—and all of us—and focused on
Commitment to Education
Tonight I have the honor of speaking at the Ridgewater College Commencement ceremony in Willmar. I consider it an honor and a great blessing to share my experience with this
Calling All Golfers – Sign Up Today!
After an extra-long wait, it feels safe to say spring is FINALLY here! As I travel I’m seeing so many people outside—working in the fields, gardening, walking, biking, playing ball…and
Southwest Minnesota Business Change and Growth
Recently Bill Blazer, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Business Development, presented about business change and growth in southwest Minnesota to our Board of Directors. He focused